Are you in the process of applying for a job? Some credit reporting agencies specialize in providing credit reports to employers about job applicants. These credit reports may contain information related to your personal finances, education, and even criminal records and your involvement in any past lawsuits. This means that inaccurate information contained in these reports may affect your ability to obtain employment. If you have lost out on a job opportunity due to inaccurate or fraudulent information appearing on your credit report, we can help! Give us a call today for a free consultation.

  • Experian Verify

    Lenders, employment screeners, and social service organizations can obtain information about employment and income verification from Experian Verify.

  • Certiphi

    Some possible inclusions in this report include: Details for verification, including employment, income, credit history, education, and confirmation of a professional license, details on criminal arrests and convictions, fingerprint data from national and state criminal history databases, and details on a driver’s history. Check out the website here.

  • DISA Global Solutions, Inc.

    A well-considered evaluation required for certain positions with executive or fiduciary duties is the DISA credit report. It is an essential part of pre-employment screening, particularly for jobs involving susceptible data, such as proprietary information, financial statistics, or access to banks, credit cards, or personally identifiable information (PII). Employers can use this report to verify applicants’ financial stability and dependability when it comes to managing sensitive and important data in their assigned positions.

  • CCC Verify

    Corporate Cost Control provides an employment verification solution called CCC Verify. This safe platform gives verifiers—lenders, landlords, and governmental organizations, among others—quick and approved access to employment and wage data. Employers and CCC Verify work together to expedite the verification process so that workers, verifiers, and government organizations looking for information on insurance enrollment, employment, and income may get it quickly and accurately. Employees can easily handle verification requests, manage their information securely, and limit access thanks to its user-friendly interface, all while protecting privacy and data security.

  • Asurint

    The consumer’s payment history, collections, trade account details, public record details, employment history, and a consumer statement showcasing any personal statements made by the report’s subject sent to the credit bureaus are included in the credit check report are all included in Asurint’s credit report.

  • Cisive

    Based on the personal information your candidate gives, the Cisive job applicant’s Credit History Check comprises credit and lawsuit history, a Social Security number trace/ID Check, and current and past addresses. The identities of our previous or present employers may also be included in our credit history check.

  • Social Intelligence

    Some possible inclusions in this report include: Details for verification, including employment, income, credit history, education, and confirmation of a professional license; details on criminal arrests and convictions; fingerprint data from national and state criminal history databases; and details on a driver’s history. Check out their website here.

  • uConfirm

    uConfirm gives social service organizations, property managers, employment screeners, and lenders access to information about employment and income verification. uConfirm, a TCC company, is part of Experian.

  • AmRent

    AmRent is a consumer reporting agency that specializes in providing rental companies and landlords with information about potential tenants. It gives landlords thorough reports so they can determine whether an applicant will be a responsible renter.

  • Universal Background Screening

    Some possible inclusions in this report include: Details for verification, including employment, income, credit history, education, and confirmation of a professional license; details on criminal arrests and convictions; fingerprint data from national and state criminal history databases; and details on a driver’s history. Check out their website here.

  • NCC (National Cred-A-Chek, Inc.)

    NCC (National Cred-A-Chek, Inc.) offers consumer information to assist casinos in reducing the risk of fraud and credit issues.


    Some possible inclusions in this report include: Details for verification, including employment, income, credit history, education, and confirmation of a professional license; details on criminal arrests and convictions; fingerprint data from national and state criminal history databases; and details on a driver’s history. Check out their website here.

  • ADP Screening & Selection, Inc.

    Some possible inclusions in this report include: Details for verification, including employment, income, credit history, education, and confirmation of a professional license; details on criminal arrests and convictions; fingerprint data from national and state criminal history databases; and details on a driver’s history. Check out their website here.

  • Accurate Background

    Some possible inclusions in this report include: Details for verification, including employment, income, credit history, education, and confirmation of a professional license; details on criminal arrests and convictions; fingerprint data from national and state criminal history databases; and details on a driver’s history. Check out their website here.


    An authorized credit reporting agency (CRA), Pre-Employ, offers thorough employment background credit checks that provide information about a candidate’s accountability and integrity with regard to their financial obligations. These reports help employers manage risk and comply with FCRA regulations by providing information on credit-to-debt ratios and any prior bankruptcies. The comprehensive reports provided by the agency guarantee regulatory compliance while helping employers make well-informed hiring decisions.

  • Info Cubic, LLC

    Information about an applicant’s past and present debts, payment history, bankruptcy records, lien and judgments, and current financial situation are all included in Info Cubic’s credit report.

  • The Work Number

    Information about employment and income is provided by the Work Number. Employers and sizable payroll processors in the private sector provided data for it. Employers can obtain this information by using the Work Number. Additionally, it gives this data to government agency clients so that they can use it, for instance, to assess a candidate’s eligibility for public assistance programs or, conversely, to support the collection and enforcement of child support.

  • OPENonline

    Some possible inclusions in this report include: Details for verification, including employment, income, credit history, education, and confirmation of a professional license; details on criminal arrests and convictions; fingerprint data from national and state criminal history databases; and details on a driver’s history. Check out their website here.

  • Truework

    During the application process, Truework assists lenders, background check providers, and property managers in gaining authorized access to employee data. You can use Truework to quickly and easily verify your employment and income information when applying for jobs, loans, and apartment rentals if your employer uses it. You will receive an email from Truework during the background check procedure for these applications asking you to check the information that will be shared and request updates from HR if any of it is inaccurate.

  • EmpInfo

    Some possible inclusions in this report include: Details for verification, including employment, income, credit history, education, and confirmation of a professional license, details on criminal arrests and convictions, fingerprint data from national and state criminal history databases, and details on a driver’s history. Check out their website here.

  • HireRight

    Some possible inclusions in this report include: Details for verification, including employment, income, credit history, education, and confirmation of a professional license; details on criminal arrests and convictions; fingerprint data from national and state criminal history databases; and details on a driver’s history. Check out their website here.

  • IntelliCorp

    Some possible inclusions in this report include: Details for verification, including employment, income, credit history, education, and confirmation of a professional license; details on criminal arrests and convictions; fingerprint data from national and state criminal history databases; and details on a driver’s history. Check out their website here.

  • First Advantage Corporation

    Some possible inclusions in this report include: Details for verification, including employment, income, credit history, education, and confirmation of a professional license; details on criminal arrests and convictions; fingerprint data from national and state criminal history databases; and details on a driver’s history. Check out their website here.

  • Checkr

    Verification of education, degrees, and professional licenses will show up on a Checkr background check. Employment history, including previous employers and dates of employment, credit reports for specific jobs (such as managers, financial workers, law enforcement, and other staff members handling sensitive financial and personal information of others), and credit reports for specific jobs will also be displayed. 

  • General Information Services, Inc. (GIS)

    Some possible inclusions in this report include: Details for verification, including employment, income, credit history, education, and confirmation of a professional license; details on criminal arrests and convictions; fingerprint data from national and state criminal history databases; and details on a driver’s history. Check out the website here.

  • Sterling

    Sterling background checks and credit reports may show criminal history, employment and education verification, social media screening, and court records.