While all credit reporting agencies maintain and report information relating to consumers’ credit, some credit reporting agencies actually specialize in providing reports for low-income and subprime borrowers. These credit reporting agencies, listed below, may report information about a consumer’s payment history and demographics. Low-income and subprime credit reporting agencies may be used by lenders who offer services such as utilities, installment loans, rent-to-own payment plans, and other short-term payment options. If you have been denied credit as a result of identity theft or inaccuracies appearing on your credit reports, we can help! Give us a call today for a free consultation.

  • DataX

    Equifax offers a comprehensive repository of unmatched alternative data through their DataX Credit Report. For millions of non-prime customers, it includes payment histories, tradelines, and demographic data. You learn more and improve your knowledge about payday loans.

  • FactorTrust

    FactorTrust gathers loan performance data from nonprime borrowers in order to offer risk scoring, analytics, and predictive credit data to subprime lenders, installment lenders, nonprime auto lenders (including leasing companies), and short-term lenders.

  • Teletrack

    Payday lenders, rent-to-own companies, financing furniture stores, auto finance, and leasing companies, high-risk consumer finance companies, subprime home lenders, subprime credit card issuers, banks, credit unions, cable/telecom companies, and debt buyers/collectors are among the businesses to which Teletrack gathers and provides consumer information.

  • MicroBilt

    In order to create consumer credit reports and risk scores for companies that provide short-term, rent-to-own, auto, retail, and consumer finance lending, Microbilt gathers recurring bill repayment data, such as monthly billing data from rent, utilities, phone plans, auto insurance, and streaming media subscriptions.

  • Clarity Services, Inc

    With a focus on the lower-income and subprime consumer market segments, Clarity Services, Inc. gathers and disseminates information on payday loans, installment loans, auto loans (and leasing), check cashing services, rent-to-own transactions, opening a telecommunication account, and financial services.