If you are in the market for insurance, you should know that there are credit reporting agencies that provide specialized credit reports to insurance companies. These credit reporting agencies may collect consumer data in order to provide insurance companies with information used to evaluate a consumer’s eligibility and risk. Have you been denied insurance due to inaccuracies appearing on your credit reports? We can help. Give us a call today for a free consultation.

  • Insurance Information Exchange (iiX)

    Insurance Information Exchange (iiX): Provides insurance companies and potential employers with access to motor vehicle records, including information on traffic infractions. In addition, the company offers criminal background checks, government-sanctioned searches, and employment and education verification services.

  • LexisNexis C.L.U.E. (Auto & Property Reports)

    A claims information exchange is LexisNexis C.L.U.E. (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange). It gathers and reports on vehicle and personal property claims for a maximum of seven years. In order to assist the insurance industry in making decisions about pricing and underwriting, it also offers insurance risk scores. LexisNexis Risk Solutions is associated with LexisNexis C.L.U.E. Inc.

  • Drivers History

    Drivers History offers reports to assist insurance companies in determining policy terms and conducting claim investigations. These reports include information and data about traffic infractions issued to particular individuals that have been gathered from publicly accessible sources and government organizations. These reports can also be used by clients who are employers or prospective employers to help ascertain an individual’s qualifications for a given position. TransUnion owns the subsidiary Drivers History.

  • A-PLUS Property ( by Verisk )

    Verisk’s A-PLUS Property gathers and reports insurance claims as well as loss histories pertaining to real estate, vehicles, and personal belongings. Verisk Analytics, Inc.’s subsidiary is A-PLUS Property.

  • MIB, Inc

    With your consent, MIB, Inc. gathers data regarding health issues and dangerous occupations. It provides this data to life and health insurance companies so they can evaluate your eligibility and risk when underwriting individual (as opposed to group) policies for critical illness, long-term care, disability income, and life insurance.

  • Milliman IntelliScript

    In order to estimate the relative mortality risk of life insurance applicants, Milliman IntelliScript gathers prescription medication purchase history. It then generates risk scores for underwriting decisions.